Thursday, 12 October 2023

That witch cannot afford a bank loan, cannot afford to be in debt.


30 000 of financial misdirection.
Space research funding request was donated to MTK [Pay to reveal secret 550€]

Friday, 13 October 2023

Got the good old CV1 today. It was made for some serious virtual reality development. It feels very industrial.

Luottopiiri tarvitsee version 2.0
Tarvitut muutokset: tapaamiset euroina tai arvostuspisteinä.
Tapaamisista luottopisteitä.

Saturday, 14 October 2023

Fairness of wage. The greatest confict on modern history. Why would one be entitled to a paycheck of 3000€ every month? Why is that "normal"? Gears of motion, will award you with a personal genie just for being an organized part of an office space.
I whonder if starfare will get another iteration. Siin on suomen kunnianhimoisin duuni.

Sunday, 15 October 2023

Opened a space funding request at

Monday, 16 October 2023

The ambulance came for me today. The mental hospital folks were displeased with me not showing up for a meeting with the psychotherapist.
They mentioned that they would very much like to take me in, but I told them that I charge for meetings, so they accepted that. Victory!

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Sain tänään työtarjouksen sähköpostissa full stack kehittäjäksi ( etätyö ).

Mutta siihen tarvitaan kuulemma 4v kokemus Reacista, joka ei ole reilua, koska fontendejä on niin paljon erilaisia. Ensin vaaditaan että osaa kaikkea ja sitten vaaditaan että on paatunut yhteen tiettyyn tyyliin.
Democrats probably take most of the wage anyway.

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Today I decided to give out 100 million atro sky investment points. 1 euros each.
I also decided to start a funding campaign for electric vehicles [link]
I dont do loans or debts. In terms of health upkeep, I am done smoking.

Friday, 20 October 2023

Tänään, päätin antaa työtarjouksen LBS:lle. Työ on palkatonta, mutta siittä voi saada passiivista tuloa jos on työskennellyt softan kanssa.

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Laitampa liikkeelle taas ruoka omavaraisuus projektin, maanalaiset ympärivuotiset viher kasvattamot.

Tänään täällä kävi joukko puolisuomalaisia väittämässä kaverin fillaria omakseen. Poliisi kyllä selvitti asian. Näyttääpi siltä, että ne, jotka paikkaavat suomalaista populaatiovajetta tarvitsevat oikeuden olla relevantteja. Its sad to sane that everyone that comes here will be gone in a fiew generations.
To fix this, we would need to produce local food and outcompete food imports.

Everyone who buys A\VROS might as well have the right to be relevant.

Sunday, 22 October 2023

Let's talk about commercial sabotage. Humans jail for bad rep. My sale is called a jail and everyone I'm in commercial interaction with is called a criminsl. VR Co-operation is dreamblocked and the rest of it is just sick.

Sunday, 23 October 2023

I dont feel like complaining today, but, gold mining defractalizes and reduces soil quality.
Anyway, trading of protection is evil. Its not worth a dime and should be kept within the family & not done remotely.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

I remeber an old fiend called Markku Isomaa. He's a compicated person. Ethics of physics.

[3 days classified PPM300]

Monday, 30 October 2023

Vapaudenriisto jatkuu. Osallisina
Sairaanhoitaja Riku Järvinen
Lääkäri Johanna Heinonen
I told them I would charge 50€/night for staying here.
Hospital jailing is extremely unethical.
Kysyin sairaanhoitajalta että "Et sit löytäny eettisempää duunii?" - "En nyt tähän hätää" - Antti They are sued for 3 billion.

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Tänään päätin alkaa laskemaan psykiatrian purkupisteitä. Antti-Pekka Känsälä 1000 PD (Psychiatric demolition)
Vapaudenriistossa osallisena myös Pinja Sotasaari

Pyysin tänään lääkeidenottomaksua, 50€
Thursday, 2 November 2023

[This is a 0€ secret] - Pride.
Today I applied to work with Nokia, on some SoC devices. Its probably the lunar 5G Network project.
Tänään minun asiakkaanani oli Meri Nurminen. (180€)

Sunday, 5 November 2023

They seem to want a monopoly of commercial interest.

Monday, 6 November 2023

Tänään minun asiakkaanani oli Emmä Väärälä (Sairaanhoitaja). Hän oli erittäin tietoinen tapaamismaksusta, mutta ujo laskutusosoitteen suhteen. 180€.
Otin kanssa taas yhteyttä ylilääkäri hanna-mari alaseen. Hänen vastamattomuus viesteihin on erittäin vastuutonta.

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

I have a doctor's appointment today. "I have the right to go home" is my meditation. [Secret. 10 respekt to reveal]

I declare blasphemy on mentalism!

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

I might need to GDPR again.

I GDPR'd pirha. I'll give them a week to respond. I hope they dont have any gvt obligations to upkeep bullshit databases.

Cleverness respect btw (almost out of positive thinking ^^)

I got a reply from pirha, turns out they want an official request. I said its official enough.

EEee-ooo the man with no memory, the man with no memory had no real enemy.

Saturday, 11 November 2023

I need to do delegalization of mentalistic cuelty. Delegalization doesn't even translate according to google translate. The word is "lain kumoaminen"
The Israeli are bombing Palestinian hospitals.

Monday, 13 November 2023

Today, I applied for Senior Frontend Engineer @ Coinshift

Wednesday, 15 November 2023


Friday, 17 November 2023

Today I added a feature to the library app. I have no intention to polish it.

Sunday, 19 November 2023

It seems like WHO & UN has a similar agenda [link]

Monday, 20 November 2023

After I finish the library app, I'm going to make a meetings app its focus is to map people, and do resource management co-opeeation.
The aim is to reach space-travel capacity with an organized VR grop.
The app is free, and once someone enters, he will be greted with a meetings message "a time has been reserved for your meeting" - Once he enters the meeting, a data map of the person is created. We also map resources, and sell the client's stuff.

Monday, 29/01/2024

4th on march - Start of work

26th february - travel from Finland

They book and pay the tickets Finalnd to hanya.
Taxi will take you to a shared apartment.

1229€ + productivity bonus